Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Bridegroom, The Bride and His Friend - Oh My!

See Matthew 25:1-13 for your scripture study. The scene is winding up and all of the players are active. All have a role in the second coming are currently doing the things they've been asked to do. Those who are publishing peace are doing so. Let's pause for some wonderful context given about this Parable that before a week ago, it was unbeknownst to me. Fascinating and marvelous. It goes to explain temples it goes to explain the latter day Church it goes to explain why they were Temple changes in 2019. Explains all those were invited and you are coming and those you know that they were invited I've already changed their robes to symbolize that they are invited meaning they have gone to the temple...invited to the wedding feast. Here Comes the grand finale! Many Thanks to Jodi Stoddard for compiling this into her wonderful video series. mm 8:10 - 15:03 I need a commitment that you will at least watch and listen to this for 7 minutes. it will tell you all that you need to know about the characters, about what's happening in the world right now, and identify the main characters. the bridgegroom and the bride explained Starting @ mm 8:11 = If by 8:57 it doesnt give active temple going LDS a shock, I dont know what will. (Temple Chamged in 2019 also explain this very well.) By all means don't stop if you want to keep watching but for the sake of this post, I'm only going to discuss material within the allotted seven minutes of that section starting @ mm 8:10... This video goes on to explain veils, other signs and wonders, Prophecies of Daniel and Revelation. I recommend watching the entire four-part series that for the purposes of this post, just the seven minutes after the start of the video shall do.

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