Friday, April 17, 2020

Ángeles with Debit cards

I operate under the understanding and with the belief Angels Walk Among Us and some angels have debit card. That's a peculiar thing to say because as everyone should know angels are not mortal they do not actually live here. I'm not saying that Angels live here and have homes and use debit cards to make purchases like everyone else does but at times I'm not so sure. I know there are times when I was down and out depressed or unsure whether driving for Uber was the right thing to do and all of a sudden I would get a ride I'm a very pleasant fellow who would encourage me to keep it up. There are times when I would do as the Savior suggest to go out and provide for the family and to not worry about where my next meal is going to come from but that I would be taken care of. This is happening to me on many occasions. It happened to me again today. I woke up really as I usually do just start doing Uber and doordash sorts of food deliveries when my money was running low. I had $5 to put back into my gas tank or put $5 worth of food into My Tummy tank. My first delivery proved quite peculiar. I went and picked it up as normal when it's up to the fifth floor of the hotel to deliver the food but no one was there. I discovered quickly that this is a person who seem to come and go a lot from the hotel and the hotel concierge was aware of this guest because there weren't very many people at the hotel. I waited eight minutes until my company decided I had waited long enough and told me that I could leave and still receive full credit for the delivery. At the very end that experience, ubereats suggested I could discard the food. I decided that I was going to discard the food (very slowly over the course of many hours through my digestive system.) The Lord God Almighty works in mysterious ways taking care of the loftiest and taking care of the least of these, our Brethren including myself. Do angels have debit cards? My angel this morning had a debit card and he used it to help determine angle Lord and I prayed unto the father that he would be blessed accordingly despite the unusual circumstances. But what if he was an angel of God and what if God has an unlimited account for him to drive from? The Mysteries will not be made fully known unto me till the end, perhaps.

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