Sunday, October 21, 2012

My sincerest of apologies!

My sincerest of apologies! It had been so long that I had forgotten my login information so I left this blog as one would say in Spanish, "Descuidar" and it had gone neglected. It is my hope that from now on, I will make valuable, meaningful updates to the blog. Agreeably, I spend MUCH MORE time on my YouTube Channel, as some of you will have noticed or have found this blog via YouTube. Much thanks to your subscriptions and attention given to this blog. I hope gospel questions are being answered. You're questions and dialogue are best served by having those AT my YouTube Channel. If it be something I should post here, as I often do, I will update the blog with a good Q. and A. for your questions, then if I haven't already made a video to that effect, I will have at least written answers here and I will also direct you to this link! News! Christmas is around the corner. I'll be decorating for Christmas, soon, at TheLdsLife.More GREAT videos coming up! I've got over 400 to choose from and a great catalog of Christmas messages. Just visit my channel and subscribe! I'm at - Best Regards, Josh Nelson

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