Jesus Christ, when he visited the Nephites and Lamanites shortly after his resurrection. The family of Lehi made their home in Meso-America;
After the Nephites were completely destroyed, images of this "Great White God" continued to exist in the from of Quetzalcuatl and Cuicuilco; Just before the Nephites were whiped out, they had already begun sacrifice women and children to their "Idols" which may have included their diluted version of the White deity.
Spanish arrivals, beginning with Columbus, began traveling to the new world. Men who were wrought upon by the spirit of God. Men would follow Columbus and arrive on the new world to colonize and conquer. Instead of meeting with heavy resistance, Cortez was met with veneration and he was treated like a God. They thought that Cortez was the return of the "Great White God" of promise who said he should return.
Cortez attempted to destroy all of their writings and condemned them as a "Pagan form of Christianity." but a few survived, as a testimony that the Lord would not whipe them nor their memory completely off the face of the earth. Mormon endured and possibly foretold the behavior of these that should dwindle in his account.
"...And they did also march forward against the city Teancum, and did drive the inhabitants forth out of her, and did take many prisoners both women and children, and did offer them up as sacrifices unto their idol gods. Mormon 4:14
In like manner in which the Book of Mormon was preserved, a few of the Mayan texts were also preserved and later translated, taking them several decades within 4 centuries or so to accomplish this feat.
There were few who survived the conquering Spaniards of which may also be a similar foreshadowing of when Jesus Christ returns, bringing about the "Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord" where few will endure that day; the most of which who will survive the times will be those who remain in the covenant which was created by Jesus Christ in the restoration of his true church.
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